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About Smart Cities for All
G3ict – The Global Initiative on Inclusive ICTs partnered with leading technology companies and civil society organizations, like Microsoft, AT&T, and World Enabled, to launch the Smart Cities for All initiative to define the state of ICT accessibility in Smart Cities worldwide. Our focus is to eliminate the digital divide for persons with disabilities and older persons in Smart Cities around the world. We are partnering with leading organizations and companies to create and deploy the tools and strategies needed to build more inclusive Smart Cities.
Country Advisory Network
Smart Cities for All benefits from a global Country Advisory Network. This network includes unpaid advocates that promote G3ict/SC4All mission through collaboration with local and national governments, civil society, and private sector stakeholders in making global cities more inclusive in the context of the UN SDGs (#11), the UN Habitat III New Urban Agenda, and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Country Advisory Network brings to their countries the global work of Smart Cities for All, a broad understanding of accessibility and universal design for technologies and environments, the UN CRPD, and the perspectives of a variety of disabilities. Meet our country advisors
Smart Cities for All Advisory Committee Members
The Smart Cities for All Advisory Committee includes disability leaders with deep knowledge of and expertise in disability rights, cities, assistive technologies, information technologies, and Smart City solutions. The role of the Advisory Committee is to help to continue expanding the SC4A scale and impact; provide feedback to the SC4A staff on the current projects and opportunities; suggest outreach opportunities and possible cooperation with other organizations; etc. Learn more about members of the SC4A Advisory Committee

The toolkit contains four tools to help Smart Cities worldwide include a focus on ICT accessibility and the digital inclusion of persons with disabilities and older persons.
The toolkit supports a range of organizations and roles related to Smart Cities, including government managers, policy makers, IT professionals, disability advocates, procurement officials, technology suppliers, and developers who design Smart City apps and solutions.
Each of the tools addresses a priority challenge identified by global experts as a barrier to the digital inclusion of persons with disabilities and older persons in Smart Cities.
Measuring & Benchmarking
G3ict’s Smart City Digital Inclusion Maturity Model© and Smart University Digital Inclusion Maturity Model© tools help cities and higher education institutions assess and benchmark their level of digital inclusion and ICT accessibility. G3ict is currently deploying both assessment tools through its global partner ecosystem.
Learn more about how to measure accessibility and inclusion in cities and higher education

The Smart Cities for All initiative confirms through its research that most of today’s Smart Cities, in both the global north and the global south, are not fully accessible. The result is a growing digital divide for persons with disabilities and older persons.
The Smart Cities for All initiative engages experts and communities in an ongoing way to generate new data and learnings related to digital inclusion in Smart Cities.
Highlights from the Smart Cities for All Global Survey
In 2016-17, the initiative surveyed more than 400 international experts from city governments, industry, civil society, and academia, and convened a series of expert roundtable discussions with program managers, disabled persons organizations, and technologists in Smart Cities worldwide. Our work is informed by this rigorous research.
Smart Cities are Leaving Millions of People Behind
of global experts believe that Smart Cities are failing persons with disabilities.
Smart Cities are Not Accessible
of global experts know of a Smart City that uses ICT accessibility standards.
Disability and the Digital Divide
of Americans with disabilities never go online, compared with 8% of the general US population.
What People Are Saying
- Vladimir Cuk, Executive Director, International Disability Alliance
- Victor Calise, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, NY
- Toni Townes-Whitley, Vice President, Microsoft
- Mike Zeto, Vice President and General Manager of Smart Cities, AT&T
- Mayor Mauricio Rodas of Quito, Ecuador
- Elkin Velasquez, Regional Director of UN-Habitat ROLAC
- Yuval Wagner, President and Founder of Access Israel
- Danielle DuMerer Commissioner and Chief Innovation Officer for the City of Chicago
- Geraldo Nogueira, Undersecretary in the Mayor’s Office for Persons with Disabilities, City of Rio de Janeiro
- Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Chief Accessibility Officer at Microsoft
- Tim Springer, CEO of Level Access
- Joshua Fouts, Executive Director of Bioneers
- Mrs. Lana Nusseibeh, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN
- Trudy Norris-Grey, Managing Director, Microsoft CityNext
- Prashant Ranjan Verma, General Secretary of the India National Association for the Blind
- Charlotte McClain Nhlapo, Global Disability Advisor at the World Bank
Moving Forward
G3ict and its partners believe that six interrelated strategies can help address the barriers to digital inclusion in today’s global Smart Cities. The six strategies described in this document will help ensure that Smart Cities worldwide, their policies, programs, and growing technology investments, will not leave behind persons with disabilities and older persons.
Download the Six Strategies Towards More Inclusive Smart Cities Worldwide
Smart Cities for All: A Vision for an Inclusive, Accessible Urban Future
AT&T and Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) have created this report to help cities identify ways that smart city technologies can adopt a people-first approach to benefit people with disabilities and older citizens. The paper takes its name from the G3ict and World Enabled Smart Cities for All global initiative.
Download the Smart Cities for All: A Vision for an Inclusive, Accessible Urban Future
Stay Informed
G3ict’s Smart Cities for All global initiative publishes a monthly newsletter that is a great source for updates about our latest projects, events as well as news from our network organization, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals. If you have not yet signed up for our newsletter and are interested in doing so, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Access the Newsletter Archives
Contact Us
Microsoft Support
Microsoft is pleased to support the SC4A initiative and shares the belief that technology empowers persons with disabilities to achieve more in the places where they live and work. For more on MSFT's commitment to cities and its commitment to accessibility visit:
Key Terms
Any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. These limitations are in part shaped by environmental barriers that hinder a person’s full participation in society on an equal basis with others. Older persons can acquire such impairments as part of the aging process.
The Smart Cities Council defines a Smart City as one that “uses information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance its livability, workability, and sustainability.”
ICT accessibility is generally accepted as being the quality of a mainstream technology such as a computer, mobile phone, self-service kiosk, or piece of software, to be used by the widest range of users possible regardless of their abilities or disabilities.